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商品系列: Bloomingville

Bloomingville is established by Betina Stampe in year 2000 driven by a fascination of Nordic Style and living. The company operates with the mission to deliver happy changes to everyday designers just like you. Later in 2015, Bloomingville MINI is introduced to delight the little ones with Nordic designs at a children's level.

Bloomingville 是來自丹麥的質感居家生活品牌,在2000年由 Betina Stampe 創立。他們提供各式家具家品,並在2015年成立姊妹品牌 Bloomingville MINI,讓家中各空間充滿溫暖及美感,及讓北歐風格融入小孩的生活中,讓小孩在玩木製玩具當中培養對美的認知。品牌的設計哲學為:「改變帶來喜悅」,把 Bloomingville 單品帶進家中,改變房間樣貌,增添生活的驚喜和樂趣。

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