- 適合年齡:3m+
- 尺寸:2.5" L x 1.83" W x 4.83 H
- 搖搖樂可作固齒器用途,材質手把適合嬰兒抓握
- 柔軟的材質可幫助舒緩長牙不適
- 玩具的聲音可刺激嬰兒及幫助學習明白因果關係
- 鼓勵小孩伸手抓握及幫助發展小肌肉技能
Bear Rattle
- Recommended age: 3m+
- Dimensions: 2.5" L x 1.83" W x 4.83 H
- Adorable teether rattle with textured braid handle and soft hollow top with jingle
- Soft textures soothe sore gums
- Soft jingle bell sound stimulates baby and helps them to understand cause and effect
- Encourages grabbing and fine motor skill development
Care: Before use, hand wash with mild soap