禮盒內容物包括(總值港幣 1,030):
Gift Set includes (Worth total HKD 1,030):
- Konges Sløjd 吸管杯 Bottle with Handle - Cherry
- Konges Sløjd 防水圍兜 2-Pack Dinner Bib Frill - Cherry/Burlwood
- Konges Sløjd 口水肩 2 Pack Basic Frill Bib - Ma Grande Cerise/Nouvelle White
- Konges Sløjd 小羊固齒器 Teeth Soother - Lamb
- Konges Sløjd 有機棉連身衣 Organic Body - Cherry (9M/12M)*
* 尺寸可選 9M / 12M,請在下單備註列明。如沒有選擇,尺寸將隨機派發
* Please let us know the size that you wish to get by adding a note to your order (9M / 12M). If no size is being selected, item will be packed in random basis