Collection: Snuggle Hunny Kids
Snuggle Hunny Kids provide a baby and toddler range with beautiful, unique designs and products made from natural fibres and fabrics. Their focus is on contemporary design and the use of quality materials: merino wool, linen, organic muslin and cotton jersey. Many of our products are GOTS certified organic, and all come packaged and designed to create beautiful gift-giving experiences. The brand also supports the community, such as NICU and other charitable opportunities, as well as independently audit factories for work conditions!
Snuggle Hunny Kids 是致力為嬰幼兒提供優質、漂亮、設計獨特的產品的澳洲品牌。與時俱進的設計及採用高質素的物料如美麗諾羊毛、亞麻佈及有機棉等使他們品牌產品突圍而出。大部分 Snuggle Hunny Kids 的產品更獲有全球有機紡織認證,不論自用或送禮都十分適合。此品牌同時重視企業社會責任,出力幫助新生兒深切治療部及支持不同慈善團體,是個值得支持及信賴的品牌呢!
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