Itzy Ritzy 的安撫玩具的觸感柔軟,內藏搖鈴可吸引嬰兒注意力。布標及六邊形拉環不同的觸感可啟發嬰兒發展。這款玩具上方有魔鬼氈布質吊環,在外出時可輕易掛在汽車嬰兒椅及嬰兒車上,是寶寶外出時最佳玩伴呢
- 適合年齡:0m+
- 魔鬼氈布質吊環,可輕易掛在汽車嬰兒椅、嬰兒車、嬰兒遊戲架上
- 鼓勵嬰兒伸手及抓握
- 內藏搖鈴吸引嬰兒注意力
- 布料觸感柔軟
- 六邊形抓握拉環/固齒器
- 只可擦拭表面,每次使用固齒器前請用濕布清潔
- 自然風乾、請勿把產品浸於水中
Attachable Travel Toy
Design with sensory play in mind, this baby travel toy is crafted with soft natural cotton and features a jingle ball inside to envelop baby with its gentle sound. Dangling rings and ribbons create different textures for your babe to grasp onto during your next adventure. Whether it's a road trip or a walk, easily fasten the toy onto a car seat or stroller for on-the-go fun.
- Recommended age: 0m+
- Velcro loop attaches easily to car seats, strollers and activity gyms
- Encourages reaching and grasping
- Gentle jingle ball sound inside
- Soft natural cotton fabric and on-trend colours
- Clinking hexagon rings for grasping and teething
- Surface clean only. Clean teether before each use with damp cloth
- Air dry only. Do not immerse in water