- 如你選擇普通(Basic)福袋,內容物將價值港幣588至688不等。
- 如你選擇優等(Premium)福袋,內容物將價值港幣888至1,088不等。
- 如你選擇頂級(Elite)福袋,內容物將價值港幣1,188至1,488不等。
Lucky Bag!
Items in the lucky bag, may include, but not limited to clothing, toys, tableware and other nursing essentials.
- For Basic Lucky Bag, items included worth HKD588 to HKD688.
- For Premium Lucky Bag, items included worth HKD888 to HKD1,088.
- For Elite Lucky Bag, items included worth HKD1,188 to HKD1,488.
If you have placed order at our shop previously, we will ensure items do not include products that you have purchased.
Please let us know by adding a note if you have any special request / wish, we will try our best to fulfil. You may also let us know the exact age e.g. 8m / 1y3m / 2y of you little one so that we can better prepare!
No exchange or refund is allowed