Itzy Ritzy 的固齒環玩具可發出咯咯聲響,可幫助舒緩寶寶長牙不適,成為寶寶最佳的玩伴。色彩繽紛的固齒環玩具可吸引寶寶注意力,讓他們隨時亦有娛樂
- 適合年齡:0m+
- 毛絨玩偶可發出咯咯聲響
- 固齒器可幫助舒緩長牙不適
- 只可擦拭表面,每次使用固齒器前請用濕布清潔
- 自然風乾
Plush Rattle with Teether
The rattle is your babe's new bestie, doubling as a plush rattle and braided teething toy to soothe sore gums. With a gentle rattle sound and colorful textured ribbons, this playful baby rattle keeps your little one entertained and comforted. Whether in the stroller or car seat, the rattle makes a perfect travel toy!
- Recommended age: 0m+
- Soft minky plush character with gentle rattle sound
- Soft teether helps soothe gums
- Surface clean only. Clean teether before each use with damp cloth
- Air dry only