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Collection: BesoVida

BesoVida is founded by a Taiwanese father who wishes to create the safest products for his children. They are committed to innovation, detailing, choosing pure materials, careful design and thinking, returning to a simple and gentle nature, avoiding unnecessary waste of resources and production processes. They expect to continue to create simple and practical products to accompany their customers, so that they can enjoy the beauty of life.

BesoVida 是由台灣一位爸爸創辦,致力替孩子們打造一個最安全的產品,可以陪伴他們健康長大。Besovida原意為西班牙文中的「親吻生命」。Besovida 致力於創新設計並謹慎思考,讓器物回歸質樸溫潤的本質,並在生產過程中避免不必要的資源浪費,以持續創造出簡約實用的物件,讓美感、環保、安心缺一不可!

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